Kepulauan Seibu (Thousand Islands) National Park is one of the representatives of marine nature conservation area in Indonesia is located approximately 45 km north of Jakarta. There are 78 large-small islands with a height of not more than three meters above sea level., And it is a coral island chain.
In hundreds of years ago, the islands were formed on top of dead coral colonies animals. These colonies initially grew on the shallow sea bottom, and layer it up to the surface and were weathering. Then on the mainland cliff, growing pioneer species such as bushes, trees and there was some kind of land. Mainland is in the islands are not the same as the land consisting of soil. Likewise, the plant and its animal wealth.
The idyllic Thousand Islands are in fact a marine nature conservation area. Here are a wealth of sea biota species which form part of its coral reef ecosystem, there are 144 species of fish, 2 species of giant clam, sea worms of various colours and 17 species of coastal birds.
The Park is a hatching site for hawksbill turtles and green turtles. The hawksbill turtle is an endangered species, rarely found in other waters. They are primarily bred on the island of Pramuka. Most of the islands are ringed by coconut palms and mangrove forests, where iguanas, golden ring snakes and pythons can be found.
The islands of Pramuka, Semak Daun, Kelapa, and Panggang are interesting for turtle breeding, animals observations and marine tours, while for wreck diving the best places are at Pramuka, Opak and Karang Congkak. With Laga, Kotok, Gosong, and Koja Karang islands best for diving and snorkeling.
Behind the phenomena and the secrets of nature, the cluster actually save the natural beauty of the Thousand Islands is very charming. Simponi tiny islands of green, waves, colored golden sunlight at dusk; certainly will reassure those in the Thousand Islands National Park.
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