Urug village is a traditional village where people believe a descendant of King Siliwangi, the king in the Kingdom Pajajaran, West Java. One proof that it is considered to support construction of traditional houses in Kampung Urug, which has the same characteristics of timber connection with wood connections contained in one building in Cirebon which is also the remnants of the Kingdom Pajajaran.
Urug be said for being the village's name comes from the word "Guru (Teacher)", by changing the way reading is done from the left but is now read from the right. The word "Guru" is based on folk etymology or kirata base is the acronym of digugu imitated. So a teacher should be "digugu and" emulated ", meaning the observed and exemplified in all teaching and example.
Form is a residential custom home urug that characterizes traditional house with the materials used and the equation of the form of pit houses and granaries have named leuit.
There was built a large house / building Ageung which is the central authority of indigenous leadership, in addition there are also Gedong Alit and Gedong Pangkaleran. Indigenous leadership is held by Ki Kolot Ukat, which is a descent into 9 of the previous instance. There are 3 leadership that controls the existence of this custom home include:
- Kikolot Ukat Leubak Kokolot also called, has the task of controlling and maintaining customs that have been handed down among the others: Event seren taun, Ruwatan, led the activities that are considered sacred.
- Kikolot Amat also called Kokolot Tengah, responsible for managing the community, the deployment period and provide instructions for customs agreement being executed.
- Kikolot Tengah named Rajaya besides running the instructions for rice cultivation for generations in this occasion, he also maintains urug customs, always acts as narrator Urug History Village, genealogy, history relating to traditional values and village Urug stories linking the kings Pajajaran with Urug village.
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