Goa Gudawang

Goa Gudawang is a series of very unique and interesting. Gudawang name comes from the word "horse Lawang" which means tail / ponytail is in braids. In this area there are 12 Goa, but only 3 that have been developed / maintained and opened to the public, namely: Simenteng Goa, Sipahang Goa and SimasigitGoa.

Simenteng Cave is said by locals to have the story end in the mouth of another cave Cisalak, Bogor. To enter this cave you should be extra careful because you will be faced with a steep staircase down the mouth of the cave. Once inside the cave you still have to be careful because the dark and cold conditions made ​​visibility is reduced.

At the mouth of the cave we could find a cave guide who brings light petromak to take visitors through the cave. This cave is a cave that is watery so if you want to explore this cave you should be ready wet cold under water caves.

If you want travel to places of natural attractions, Cave Gudawang can be selected for those of you who are looking for natural attractions.
